Strengthening capacities and policy engagement of community service providers – IRIS PROGRESS

Specific objective is to achieve stronger capacity of the CSOs to impact on decision making process in protection of human rights and anti-discrimination policies of marginalized groups in WB region.

Support measures:

  • Cluster 1. Empowerment of IRIS network
  • Cluster 2. Policy influencing and awareness rising

Target groups:

  • more than 220 CSOs service providers/human right defenders in WB,
  • at least 18 Ministries in charge for social welfare policies, protection of human rights and European integration;
  • up to 10 000 marginalized population (Roma, women victims of violence, persons with disability, migrants/refugees, youth at risk, LGBTQ);
  • at least 120 government institutions: Centres for social welfare, National Employment Services, Ombudspersons, Social councils etc.
  • at least 60 Local self-government (LSG) units;
  • EU Institutions and stakeholders involved in the processes approximation,
  • 12 students from 6 Faculties of social sciences in WB,
  • 1 million of general population,
  • Media

Expected results:

  • Gender mainstreamed Standard Operating Procedure of IRIS network,
  • 30 IRIS members trained in implementing gender mainstreaming,
  • 500 network members took part in 19 regional and national networks meetings,
  • 12 CSOs supported through Granting Facility, e) 24 staff of grantees CSOs trained in project management, visibility and human rights based approach (HRBA) in social service delivery,
  • at least 30 CSOs received support in licensing and quality management,
  • at least 90 participants educated on 3 Social Academies,
  • 12 students received practical training in local CSOs,
  • developed Regional Study, j) implemented 18 sessions of civic dialogue in 6 WB countries,
  • Developed regional Shadow report with recommendations,
  • 80 representatives of EU, national, local governments and CSOs agreed on the joint regional actions,
  • at least 1200 people participated in Balkan caravan events,
  • at least 1 million people informed trough awareness raising campaign.

The Lead Applicant on the project is Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC) in partnership with Arbeiter – Samariter – Bund SEECenter for Labour Rights (Albania), LIR CD (B&H), Community Development Institute (North Macedonia), Alfa Center (Montenegro) and Centre for Independent Living (Kosovo*).

The project is funded by the European Union.