The official kick-off coordination meeting of participating organizations was conducted via ZOOM video conference, marking the commencement of the project: “Media literacy capacity-building for Western Balkan students tackling spreading mis/disinformation.” The primary objective of this meeting was to intricately fine-tune and approve the project timeline, establish selection criteria for participants and team coordinators, delve into discussions about essential project materials, and craft the layout of resources to be utilized throughout the project implementation phase.

During the meeting, representatives from each participating organization engaged in comprehensive discussions to ensure alignment with the overarching goals of the initiative. Through collaborative dialogue, we meticulously reviewed and finalized the project timeline, outlining key milestones and deliverables to be achieved within specified timeframes.

Furthermore, the selection criteria for participants and team coordinators were carefully established to ensure the inclusion of individuals who will demonstrate a genuine commitment to advancing media literacy within the Western Balkan region. By setting clear guidelines, we aim to assemble a diverse and dedicated cohort capable of driving meaningful change in combating misinformation and promoting critical thinking.

Project is funded by International Visegrad Fund.